These 7 Lost Species Haven’t Been Seen for Decades

For 62 years, the only proof that Attenborough’s long-beaked echidna ever existed was a single specimen, recovered in 1961 from the Cyclops Mountains of New Guinea. In the interim, this quill-covered, egg-laying mammal (named for the British naturalist David Attenborough) vanished from the scientific radar. After all that time, you might think, it would’ve …

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Examine your dirty scalp up close with this viral cleanse

I’ve never given much thought to my scalp. Aside from the occasional subconscious scritch-scratch or vigorous shampooing, it’s kind of just … there. A necessary but often-overlooked cranium cover. But the humble scalp is the focus of an increasingly popular wellness trend: elaborate Chinese and Japanese-inspired treatments at so-called head spas. At these businesses, …

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Intel’s AI Reboot Is the Future of US Chipmaking

Call it a comeback—with consequences not just for Intel but also the US government’s hopes of maintaining a lead in artificial intelligence. The troubled chipmaker’s CEO Pat Gelsinger announced today that Intel is relaunching and expanding its foundry business, which manufactures chip designs for other companies. Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella also appeared at the …

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Astronomers Discover Most Luminous Quasar Ever Observed

The black hole in the newly-discovered quasar SMSS J052915.80-435152.0 (hereafter called J0529-4351) accretes around one solar mass per day onto an existing mass of 17 billion solar masses. This image of the exceptional quasar J0529-4351 is from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey DR10; a neighboring M star appears in red. Image credit: Wolf …

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Chicago Becomes the Latest City to Sue the Oil Industry over Climate Change

CLIMATEWIRE | Chicago filed suit Tuesday against six oil companies and an influential industry ally, joining the ranks of local governments looking to hold fossil fuel producers financially accountable for the effects of climate change. The lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court accuses the companies, their subsidiaries and industry trade association the American …

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Is This Black Hole the Hungriest and the Brightest?

Astronomers claimed on Monday that they had discovered what might be the hungriest, most luminous object in the visible universe — a supermassive black hole that was swallowing a star a day. That would be the mass equivalent of 370 suns a year disappearing down a cosmic gullet 11 billion years ago at the …

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Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Rocket Moves Closer to Launch

There’s an easy knock against the space dreams of Jeff Bezos and his rocket company, Blue Origin: In its 24th year of existence, the company has yet to launch a single thing to orbit. Blue Origin’s accomplishments to date are modest — a small vehicle known as New Shepard that takes space tourists and …

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