FDA Approves Drug to Reduce Accidental Food Allergies

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved omalizumab (Xolair, Genentech) for reducing allergic reactions to foods in adults and most children. The drug is meant to be taken regularly by patients with food allergies to reduce the risk for reactions, including anaphylaxis, in case of accidental exposure to one or more allergens. The injection is not approved for emergency treatment of an allergic reaction.

Omalizumab first was approved for persistent allergic asthma in 2003. It also is approved for chronic spontaneous urticaria and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps. 

The new indication for immunoglobulin E–mediated food allergy in adults and children aged 1 year or older makes omalizumab the first drug approved to mitigate allergic reactions to more than one food, the FDA said. Peanut-allergen powder (Palforzia) can reduce reactions to peanut, but its benefits are limited to that allergy.

“While it will not eliminate food allergies or allow patients to consume food allergens freely, its repeated use will help reduce the health impact if accidental exposure occurs,” said Kelly Stone, MD, PhD, associate director of the division of pulmonology, allergy, and critical care in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, in a news release. 

The safety and efficacy of the monoclonal antibody in reducing allergic reactions was studied in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 168 children and adults who were allergic to peanut and at least two other foods, including milk, egg, wheat, cashew, hazelnut, or walnut. Patients received omalizumab or placebo for 16-20 weeks. At the end of the study, patients consumed peanut protein (equivalent to 2.5 peanuts). Of those who received the drug, 68% were able to consume peanut without moderate or severe allergic symptoms, versus 6% in the placebo group.

More patients who received the medication also avoided moderate or severe reactions to cashews (42% vs 3%), milk (66% vs 11%), and eggs (67% vs 0%). 

The most common side effects of omalizumab included injection site reactions and fever. The drug’s label includes warnings and precautions about anaphylaxis, cancer, fever, joint pain, rash, parasitic (worm) infection, and abnormal laboratory tests. Omalizumab comes with a boxed warning for anaphylaxis and should be started only in a healthcare setting equipped to manage anaphylaxis, according to the FDA.

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