Paris has voted to triple parking charges for SUV drivers

Parisians have voted to triple parking charges for out-of-town SUV drivers as part of the city’s efforts to address road safety, air pollution, and climate change. The proposals were narrowly approved in a referendum vote on Sunday, with The Washington Post reporting that 54.6 percent of participants voted in favor of measures aiming to …

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Matthias Maurer: How to become a lunar astronaut

Matthias Maurer is a European Space Agency astronaut who spent six months aboard the International Space Station as part of the Cosmic Kiss mission. Now, he is helping the space agency devise tools, training programmes and protocols for future crewed trips to the moon. Maurer is also one of six European astronauts available for …

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Deaths from shark attacks across the world doubled in 2023

Bull sharks live in shallow waters and occasionally attack people Leonardo Gonzalez/Shutterstock Shark bites and deaths increased internationally in 2023, with Australia recording the highest number of fatalities and surfers making up the largest group of victims. The University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File (ISAF) investigated 120 “alleged shark-human interactions” worldwide in 2023. …

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Six Big Ways Climate Change Could Impact the United States by 2100 | Science

Climate change will not just affect our future—we’re seeing damage from it now. Extreme forest fires, warmer temperatures and prolonged droughts are just some of the ways climate change has impacted the United States. Scientists agree that burning fossil fuels is the main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions that drive climate change. Emissions like …

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Humans are living longer than ever no matter where they come from 

Most of us want to stay on this planet as long as possible. While there are still differences depending on sex and region, we are now living longer as a species—and it seems life spans will only continue to grow longer. Researcher David Atance of Universidad de Alcalá, Spain, and his team gathered data …

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What Physicists Have Been Missing

Explore A century ago, physics breakthroughs came in rapid sequence. There was quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theories of space and time, lots of new particles, two new nuclear forces, and eventually the standard model of particle physics. This progress and its technological applications commanded respect, if not outright fear. But today, the foundations of …

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